I believe in the separation of church and planet. Eric Idle
FD-TK45 BULLETPROOF HELMET - FAKE TENDER WARNING Please be careful with this tender RFQNUMBER SPSC-B-033-2023 DESCRIPTION: Supply and delivery of FD-TD45 Bulletproof helmets to the department of defense in South Africa. Issue date: 09 March 2023 Closing date: 13 March 2023 Name: Sobekwa Ndlovu The mail originates from DEPARTMENT OF DEFENCE <sobekwa.ndlovu@tenders-dod.co.za> that is fake as well because the mail in the tender document is sobekwa.ndlovu@tenders-dodmil.org. Both domains are parked domains by GoDaddy and the Department of Defense will not park a domain. The helmets are from a legitimate company, but the issuer for the tender is fake.