Beware of Hendrick Masilela using MASSCASH HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD to obtain quotes and orders. obviously Hendrick Masilela & Thiruvashani Naiker are both fake names.
After a fake payment you will get an email as below:
For delivery terms please contact Hendrick Masilela (+27 81 236 8508)
Thank you
Kind regards
Thiruvashani Naiker:
You will also notice that no company will use a stupid domain name like:
When they make payment, the idiots for some reason also send their fake ID, see below:
Fake ID from Thiruvashani Naiker |
Also the VAT number(4110107291) for the company they use does not match, or is non-existant.
They used Nedbank as proof of payment but it is clearly fake.
Ignore all the company documents they send, all fake.
Fake MassCash company documents below:
Sorry for MassCash, if you are a legit company, they are using your information.
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